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5 Social Metrics to Ignore and the Ones You Should Follow Instead

Are you confused, about whether your social media campaigns are working or why you aren't getting more customers? I will show you what you are missing coming up next. Social media tends to stump a lot of small businesses when it comes to marketing. Many small business owners think measuring their social media is about likes and followers but completely forget that social media marketing is about using these platforms to drive sales. In this article, I'll give you 5 popular social media metrics you should ignore and what you should be focusing on instead to grow your business. Ignore Likes -> Focus on Engagement Social media engagement refers to the interactions that occur between a brand and its audience on social media platforms. This includes likes, comments, shares, and direct messages. Social media engagement involves more than just likes. It includes other forms of interaction such as comments, shares, and direct messages. Focusing on social media engagement is critical

Loan Package Essentials: The 8 Required Items You Can't Ignore!

    So you're applying for a small business loan, and you have to put together everything you need for the application. Whether you're a first-time borrower or a seasoned veteran, this information is crucial to getting your loan approved. The number of required documents can get a little daunting but in this article, I’ll list your requirements for your loan package, so you get your loan funded. 1. Business Plan When applying for a loan most lenders will require a business plan that describes your cause management and sales strategies. some lenders may only require financial projections if you've been in business for some time. a business plan will be required for all new companies to apply for financing. You can get help with creating your business plan from your local Small Business Development Center like us here at the University of La Verne SBDC. 2. Business Financial Statements Lenders will generally want to see business financial statements for the past 3 years an

Cinderella's Closet Lingerie Client Highlight

  Cinderella's Closet Lingerie 9033 Base Line Road, Suite C, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Dana Walker is the owner of Cinderella's Closet, a post-mastectomy bra, and breast prosthesis company. “My journey as a breast cancer survivor led me to open a business that addressed the emotional well-being of women diagnosed with breast cancer,” Dana said. Dana opened on March 3, 2020, and two weeks later, COVID put the world on lockdown but was able to get five clients in 2020 but was still in the red. Dana received help from the Inland Empire's Women's Business Center and was formally introduced to the University of La Verne SBDC shortly after. Challenges Dana’s first challenge was managing the business financially and having enough working capital to keep it open and running without struggling as the business did in 2020 due to COVID-19. Dana’s other concern was marketing to grow the business to become self-sustainable and communicate the valu

Buying a Small Business

  If you're a prospective business owner considering buying a business, this webinar is a must-attend! Our experts, Ed Pendarvis and Malcolm Geffen, will show you the ropes of buying a business, covering everything from the initial research to sealing the deal. Discover insider tips and tricks on how to negotiate with sellers, evaluate business performance, and identify hidden risks. With this valuable information, you'll be able to confidently pursue the perfect business opportunity and turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a reality. Ed Pendarvis is the founder and chairman emeritus of Sunbelt Business Broker Network LLC, the largest small business brokerage network in the world with three hundred plus offices in the US and thirty foreign countries. Malcolm has an established career as an entrepreneur with a strong background in professional management and corporate turnaround work. As an entrepreneur, he has founded, acquired, and operated a number of companies where he was

How to Start a Photography Business

  Do you have a passion for photography and dream of turning that passion into a thriving business?  In this video, I'm going to show you how to start a photography small business. I'll share actionable tips on everything from starting your business to marketing your work. So if you're ready to turn your passion into a reality, let's get started.  From portrait and wedding photography to commercial and editorial work, a photography business allows you to express your artistic vision and specialize in the types of photography that you enjoy most. So whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this video has something for everyone. Get ready to turn your love of photography into a thriving business and start capturing beautiful moments that will be treasured for years to come.   Business Planning When starting a photography business, it's important to first develop a solid business concept that outlines the services you plan to offer. This includes determ

Small Business Week Day 5: AI for Small Business

  Artificial intelligence, or AI, has gotten a lot of press lately with Chat GPT and now Google’s Bard, automating tasks, writing, and just making certain tasks so much more bearable. As a small business, there are ways to harness the power of AI to take care of things you probably think you need an extra employee to do. I’ll show various ways you can use free AI tools like Chat GPT to handle these tasks so you can focus on running your business. Getting Started Head to and create an account to get access to the chatbot. Here are a couple of things you need to understand about ChatGPT before we begin: It only knows things up to 2021. So if ask it about a current event or phenomenon, it probably won't know what you are talking about. It may produce inaccurate information like statistics, facts, or places. So take all the “factual” information at face value. With vague instructions (called prompts), you may not get the best answer. So, we need to be as descriptive as

Small Business Week Day 4: Myths About Video For Small Business

  I n today's digital age, video is becoming an essential tool for businesses to connect with their audience. However, many people believe that creating videos is too complicated, expensive, and time-consuming. In this article, we will debunk the most common myths about video production and explore how to create great videos on a budget. By understanding the basics of pre-production, production, and post-production, as well as having a solid strategy in place, anyone can create a compelling video that resonates with their audience. So, let's dive in and explore the truth behind the most common misconceptions about video production 1. Video Is Too Complicated Preproduction (Planning) Preproduction is the planning stage where you decide on the video's purpose, target audience, message, and script. This stage is crucial because it sets the foundation for the entire video. Plan your video carefully by defining your goals and target audience, and write a clear script to ensure y

Small Business Week Day 3: Funding options for Small Business

Starting a business can be challenging, especially when you don't have a lot of money or investors. But with the right resources, you can still make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality. In this article, we'll explore several options for bootstrapping your business, from using special tools to asking friends and family for help to applying for microloans and SBA loans. We'll also cover grants, equity crowdfunding, and other financing options. Whether you have a simple business idea or a complex one, this article will help you find the best way to fund your venture and get your business off the ground. With a little bit of hard work and creativity, you can achieve your entrepreneurial goals and build a successful business. Bootstrapping If you want to start a business but don't have a lot of money or don't want to go to a bank, there is another option. This can work well for people with simple business ideas, like a consulting business or a small eCommerce store. If

Small Business Week Day 2: Most Common Licenses & Permits For Small Business

Ready to start your small business? Don't forget the licenses and permits! They can make or break your success. In this video, I'll show how to navigate the red tape with valuable tips and get on the fast track to entrepreneurship. Path to Startup Biggest issue when talking with clients about the licenses and permits they need to start up is the order to do them in. Let’s go over the order of operations before diving into each one: Business entity Formation When you start a business, you have to choose a business entity formation. This is how your business will be legally recognized. The most common types of business entity formation are sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), and corporations. Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.  Sole proprietorships are the easiest to form, but you will not have liability protection.  Partnerships are similar to sole proprietorships, but they involve multiple owners.  LLCs offer lia