By Joshua Botello Getting into the foray of Facebook marketing is every aspiration of the new business owner. They jump into facebook to access those 1 billion users, only to find out it's harder than it looks and nothing they do works like what they have heard about. Using Facebook for marketing is all about strategy and using it as a tool requires some planning and business knowledge to be successful. Here are 4 easy strategies to get started on your Facebook marketing journey. But first... There are 3 requirements you must have before you start marketing your business on Facebook: You have to know your customer. Knowing your customers will let you know what they want and what they are looking for. You have to know the funnel. Knowing what customers are looking for and knowing that at each stage of the buying process will inform you of the content you will make and how you can get them to buy. You need a business page. You really do. You can advertise, get analytic...